I find myself actively reading with almost every text I read. I feel that it helps me understand what I am reading and be able to remember the information. I tend to include a lot of definitions of words that I do not know, and then I will summarize in my own words what the sentence is saying. I really like the sentence that Susan Gilroy writes; “Take the information apart, look at its parts, and then try to put it back together again in language that is meaningful to you…” I feel as though I find myself doing that quite often, it not only helps me better understand what I am reading but also helps me remember the information. Most of the time when I am reading, I find myself asking questions in Gilroy’s selection, she says “Get in the habit of hearing yourself ask questions: ‘What does this mean?’ ‘Why is the writer drawing that conclusion?’ ‘Why am I being asked to read this text?'” I feel as though I am pretty good at this aspect of active reading, although sometime I will find myself asking these questions, but I will not end up finding the answer. A piece of active reading that I struggle with it connecting the text to my experiences, or my knowledge. I feel as though if I was better at this I would be able to better understand what I am reading. I feel as though I have gotten better at this thoughout this semester, but I still have some room for improvement.